Social Media

Sep 30, 2013

Personality Tests: Modern-Day Phrenology

Companies use personality tests for a variety of purposes, such as employment screening, assessing leadership potential, fostering corroboration and teamwork, and so on.
The most widely used is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), created by Pennsylvania housewife Isabel Myers. This particular test is utilized by 89% of the Fortune 100, given to 2.5 million people each year to identify strengths and enhance teamwork. She thought the test could bring about world peace.
The Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI) was developed in 1946 to sort mental patients into diagnostic categories. It was then expanded in an attempt to describe normal people.
Of course, popularity does not imply scientific validity. What is worse, most companies keep these tests confidential so the data cannot be scientifically tested to determine effectiveness.
These tests are also popular among consultants, who are paid good money to administer them in a convivial atmosphere. But the fallacy is the tests measure what we are like and who we are, not what we know, believe, or can do. They confuse labeling personality with understanding it.
The tests are also reassuring confirmations of what people already know about themselves, what psychologists call the permanency tendency. They also tend to validate the positive characteristics we all believe we possess, the so-called Pollyanna principle.
Companies might as well bring their people together to play with Ouija boards, which are equally entertaining while having roughly the same empirical validity. As they say, if you really want to learn what someone is like, marry them or work for them.
Annie Murphy Paul, former senior editor at Psychology Today, has written a scathing indictment against these tests, labeling them modern-day phrenology, in her book The Cult of Personality Testing: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves. Here a few of her more condemning facts:
"…[A]s many as three-quarters of test takers achieve a different personality type when tested again, and the sixteen distinctive types described by the Myers-Briggs have no scientific basis whatsoever.
The sly brilliance of using personality test[s] to label employees is that, by dint of answering the test’s questions, employees appear to be labeling themselves. … Under this banner of respect for individuality, organizations are able to shift responsibility for employee satisfaction onto that obliging culprit, 'fit.'
And research has found little connection between indicator types and real-life outcomes. There is scant evidence that MBTI results are useful in determining managerial effectiveness, helping to build teams, providing career counseling, enhancing insight into self or others, or any other of the myriad uses for which it is promoted."
Professor Erkko Autio, department of management at HEC Lausanne, in Switzerland, pointed out the same defects with respect to the current fad of “emotional intelligence” in a letter to The Economist:
It might interest you to know that not a single serious study has ever been able to demonstrate a link between “emotional intelligence” and leadership effectiveness. The most robust and consistent single predictor of leadership effectiveness is, simply, intelligence. Emotional intelligence sells well, but scientific evidence supporting it is almost as solid as that supporting the effectiveness of homeopathy (The Economist, Aug 26, 2006: 14).
Professor Autio is certainly correct in the assertion that intelligent quotient (IQ) is a better predictor of executive effectiveness, as The Bell Curve has empirically demonstrated. If you were confined to learning one number about an individual to predict their standard of living, you would be hard pressed to find a better one than their IQ.
That being said, firms are not confined to knowing just one thing about their potential or existing employees. As Rabbi Daniel Lapin wrote in Thou Shall Prosper: “You are best understood and appraised by others on the basis of the things you believe rather than on the basis of the things you know.” Or, I might add, rather than on the basis of your personality or year of birth (see Generational Astrology).
We are better off understanding people’s beliefs if we want to even begin to understand how and why the Germans of the Third Reich could carry out their murderous orders in acquiescent servility, or the people who flew airplanes into buildings killing innocent civilians on September 11, 2001.
Trying to simplify the spirituality and soul of a human life by labeling it with a personality type (or even an IQ) is to disregard the uniqueness and dignity of individuals, which requires judgment and discernment far more than measurement. As Peter Drucker once wrote, “There is no such thing as an infallible judge of people, at least not on this side of the Pearly Gates.”
I am not going to offer a replacement to personality testing because you don’t need to replace meaningless practices with anything. I will suggest, instead, that you follow the wisdom of Chinese philosopher Lin Yutang, from his book, The Importance of Living:
"To me… man’s dignity consists in the following facts which distinguish man from animals. First, that he has a playful curiosity and a natural genius for exploring knowledge; second, that he has dreams and a lofty idealism…third, and still more important, that he is able to correct his dreams by a sense of humor, and thus restrain his idealism by a more robust and healthy realism; and finally, that he does not react to surroundings mechanically and uniformly as animals do, but possesses the ability and the freedom to determine his own reactions and to change surroundings at his will.
This last is the same as saying that human personality is the last thing to be reduced to mechanical laws; somehow the human mind is forever elusive, uncatchable and unpredictable, and manages to wriggle out of mechanistic laws or a materialistic dialectic that crazy psychologists and unmarried economists are trying to impose upon him. Man, therefore, is a curious, dreamy, humorous and wayward creature. In short, my faith in human dignity consists in the belief that man is the greatest scamp on earth."

Sep 28, 2013

Simple Tips to Increase Your Online Sales

Simple tips to increase your online sales So, you have your online store, you are making a few online sales however you still need to increase your online sales..

Firstly, people prefer to visit online stores that are easy-to-use, user-friendly and reliable. For this reason, you have to ensure that your online store contains easy features for your customers. Whether you are small, medium-size or a big online store owner, reading through these tips will hopefully give you some ideas that will increase online sales.

I suggest that you make sure that you have the following:

Simple Navigation –  This is the most important factor to consider while creating an online store. Ensure to make your website easy-to-use for customers. Most customers do not want to waste time navigating a website. Make sure your customers get to the products without any hassle.

Great Quality Product Images –  When building an eCommerce store, ensure to use compelling product images that can grab the attention of your customers. In fact, this factor will help clients to act without even reading through the wordings of your product content. This is wisdom, think about it.

Search Bar –  Search-bar option on your eCommerce store can work like magic. It helps your customers to get to products they are looking for. So ensure to place the search-bar option at the top of your website to make it easy to access.

Security –  With the alarming rate of scam on the internet, many shoppers prefer to shy away. When creating an online store, ensure to place security for your customers. This will help you gain quick traffic, visitors, leads and make more profit.

Serviceability –  Providing quality service to your eCommerce customers will help a lot. This will enable your customers to make a purchasing decision with ease. Also make sure that you ship your clients orders in a timely manner.

Selling on Ebay? The Do’s and Dont’s of product photos

Increased sales start from awesome photos. Here are the requirements for all product photos uploaded to Ebay
Photo Size
Do: Use images which are at least 500px wide for a clear detailed image of your product. For the best display resolution, we recommend making your photos around 1600px wide.
Don’t: Use small images which can make the details of your product unnoticeable or result in blurry images.

Do: Keep your image background simple using a solid white background. You want to draw attention to your product and keep the image clean.
Don’t: Use unnecessary borders which can distract viewers from your product

Photo editing
Do: Keep photo editing filters minimal. Use subtle effects to balance the brightness and light in your images but keep the effects natural.
Don’t: Use obvious image editing filters which are better left to Instagram photos.

Do: When using watermarks keep them slightly faded and not heavily obstructing the image.
Don’t: Use brightly colored watermarks or watermarks that exceed 5% of the image size

Text on images
Do: Keep your images clear of text or other artwork.
Don’t: Add text, promotions or artwork to your images. These details can be left to the item title and description.

Number of images
Do: Use multiple images of your product in different angles and provide styled images as well as single product shots.
Don’t: Use only one image per listing or add unrelated photos.

Stock Photo:
Do: Use stock photos for brand new items only
Don’t: Use stock images for used items

Sep 26, 2013

How to Stop Indecision in Its Track!

Have you ever been stuck in the limbo of "decision paralysis?" It happens more often than you realize. I want to help you get past the decision-making turmoil so that you can actually make ONE decision to help you jump-ship into a Luxury liner.
There is no point in staying paralyzed because you are overwhelmed with so many decisions, each one of them carrying so many choices, and you are afraid of proceeding to make a mistake with your choices.
First of all consider that every choice has a couple of options. And for every option, there is an up-side and a down-side.
Focus on ONE decision at a time. Put pen to paper and prioritize in order of importance what needs to be done first, then next, and so on.
On that same piece of paper, state the options for your first prioritized decision. Then write-out the ups and down of each decision. If you have more ups than not, then you will know very clearly which way to go.
If on the other hand, you have the same number of ups as you do downs, this is where you have to summon the power of your instinct and intuition, and start asking your Higher Power for guidance as to what would be the best option for you at this precise moment in time. The answer will come. Once it does, TRUST your intuition and then TRUST the process it will take for things to fall into place for you. Remember, keyword here is TRUST.
Moving on to the second phase of your decision-making process: Have a very clear vision of what it is you want to accomplish. And this begins with:
  • Creating the intention to be present and in the present.
  • Showing-up in life! (and for life.)
  • Letting go of what you cannot control.
Living with intention and in the present makes it so much easier to arrive at your decision-making process, even if it's just to shake-off the paralysis you've felt before.
Having a clear intention helps you tremendously to make that one single, solitary decision; no matter how big or small.
Creating the intention to be present helps you overcome the sense of sadness that comes when you don't fully show up in life. When that happens, it leaves a great void, and the rest of the people in your life are being let-down by your absence. Don't' do that.
Always show up, even if you think you can't. Even if you are late, show-up anyways! It is one of the most meaningful things you can do for your family, your friends, and more importantly... for yourself.
By doing so, you are strengthening your 'decision-making' muscle and forming a new habit for successful outcomes.
Remember all of your assets, focus on all the things you know how to do so well, and above all, remember what makes you TICK!
This will help you let go of what you cannot control, so that you can do something about those things that indeed, you can control.
Let that be your driving force in shaking-off the decision-making blues.
Look for the "happiness element" on the things you need to decide. Once you start making decision, even if a little one, you start chasing away the paralysis felt before, and your intellect will begin to think with a much clearer picture of what you really want, and once you start feeling better, you will continue to make more decisions that will have you feeling even better than before. One joyous moment will lead to another, and soon, you will be saying to yourself, and with a great deal of satisfaction: "Mission Accomplished!"

Article Submission Service Helps Create Traffic

Article marketing is one of the most reliable and dependable marketing strategy in the World Wide Web. Writing articles and then submitting them to directories put your website on viral marketing and it is great because you can create traffic anytime. However, it is not easy writing articles after articles on your own and as well as post them to different directories as not everyone is gifted with writing skills much less have the time to do it all rightly. Thus, an article submission service is the perfect choice for this task.
Article once posted online has the potential to create as much traffic as it could, if the article, indeed well written. It has the potential to become your ultimate marketing strategy and this is why every webmaster makes sure they have one posted on their website or in the article directory once or twice a week.
For webmasters who does not have the time to do their own writing there are options and one of them is by hiring an article submission service or buying an software that would write and submit articles on your behalf. This two are the common ways, but the most preferred is to hire someone to write and submit articles, as software is not one hundred percent reliable.
Article writing software takes time as well, and more often than not, you ended up with worthless software because you simply could not use it. For one, the software designer certainly did not created it for people to use easily as the many buttons could give you a headache. So, if you want to waste time and money then article writing software is just right for you but if you want quality content and one that could bring traffic to your site then forget about writing software.
Article submission service can do the work that you have no time or ability to do so. They can provide quality articles and one that could bring in lots of traffic not just once or a few weeks, but even for 2 years or so. In fact, your articles could still seen and read by different viewers every day for as long as anyone would still wants to read the article. That is what we call viral marketing and the secret of most webmasters.
Whatever you need to create more traffic for your website an online virtual assistant could certainly help you tremendously. Article for blogs, website and directories will no longer be a problem as you can outsource them anytime you want. What's more, they also provide different marketing campaign other than article marketing so you are assured that you not only with someone who knows what they are doing, but your options has also widen again.
In this business, the more options you have the better for your business as you have the chance to try different new ways to increase your traffic significantly.
Article submission service are reliable dependable and trustworthy. You can surely help your business grow with the right partner.

How to Set Your Price As a Freelance Writer

Once you start your carrier as a freelance writer, you will find many impediments in your way-
- You have to compete against many writers who are as talented as you.
- Again you have to compete against writers who write inadequately and who offer their services at preposterously low rates. These writers can do it to get jobs. Many times you will tempt yourself to lower your rates to match or beat the bids of the job.
Please do not do it! Because professional writer never lower their rate just because to get the job, it is your passion and money matter should not be come in the way of your passion. More precisely passion cannot be compromise with money.
There are many individuals who are deficient in writing skills drive down their rates while professional writers can fairly charge. If the professionals do not keep up their prices then this will be a great problem in near future. Just because writers from other countries want to work for eight or nine dollars per hour, this does not mean that you should. As a professional writer, you can earn far more than them. Remember it is your passion and Passion cannot be priced by money.
If you visit any writer marketplace and go through their projects you will find all types of bid prices and proposals. The things which surprised is that you will not find out any parameter that how these writers came up with their prices or how they decided what and what not to include in their bid proposals. Often times these writers do not know how they come up with their fees for bidding either. It becomes obvious when you see the same project posting listed under different varieties or price ranges. And the funniest thing is that the same authors will bid on the same projects with a huge amount.
If you are looking for and I think obviously you are looking for, prospective clients to take you seriously, you need to do the following three things:
- You need a website that lists your prices.
- You need to be consistent with your prices; and last but not least,
- You need to collect a retainer up front before you start.
As a Freelance Writer you need to know what you can charge based on the job at hand. This can vary with market price and when it comes to freelance writing, here is the main point. You may charge whatever you want. The thing is finding someone to pay it who believes your service is worth.
Sometimes you may find Freelance Writers are rare species. Many of them are quite thorny. No need to be one of them. Decide on your fees and stick to them. Take your job as a fun. Do things in stride out. And more importantly please do not chase money, money will chase you.
Keep the following points in your mind; this information will help you to set your prices. These prices may vary person to person because basically it depends on your experience and specialization.
How and What to charge?
It is very difficult to say the exact figure of price because many writers will charge way too much for their services while others will charge way too little. You can find current market rates in Writers Market. I have given you an idea below; you can use this as a guideline until you feel you have a good sense of what you want to charge. Remember, you can charge anything you want to charge. Always ask yourself what your time and skills are worth. More importantly, do clients feel you have the worth what you are charging?
Have a look!
- News Articles (web related): $15-45 per page
- E-books: $20-25 per page
- Novels and Books: $100 per page
- Radio Commentary: $200-220 per hour
- Magazine articles: Expect anywhere from $650-$2000 per article
- Articles for web content, not related to news: $10-$50 per article based on word count and other aspects of the job (such as keywords, etc.)
You can charge per word too. This is somewhat different as it varies on several factors. If you are charging per word basis, decide how much that is and stick with it on all your projects irrespective of lengths and subject matter. Sometimes the price per word can fluctuates by writer depending on what the writer is writing (article, book, and web content).
How much you are considering your worth, it is up to you but do not forget the time you spend creating the work. Remember, if you are an educated and experienced writer in your field, you can earn from $50-$75 per hour.
Some points should consider when you are setting your prices.
It happens with everybody that sometimes you may not please everybody all the time with your services. It does not mean that you lower your rate. Often you will find publishers, editors, and clients who hire you on a fast turn-around. Remember every client expects a top class services from you even though they are not paying that much.
Again if a client tells you that deadline is important then you must talk about the upfront but be realistic because you are in a disadvantage, you may not deliver a good content keep this thing in your mind, if so then do not hurry, ask for more time.
It is a good idea if you can prepare a price list of your services on some parameters and then stick with your rate, it will help you in long run, your time will be saved, show the rate list to your clients. Sometimes dead line and bulk order can compel you to compromise with your list but think twice before compromising. Do not repent afterward.
One important point is there which often creates a problem for writers, whether writer should charge for re writing of content, it depends, if you think that it is your fault then it is better that you should not charge but if it is because of client then you should charge but make sure that you are not the victim.
Finally, it is you who know yourself better and of course your worth too.

Ghost Writing

By ghost writer we simply mean a professional writer who is basically hired to write in the name of others, it can be anything like books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts, more specifically the writings are credited to another person. Ghostwriters can be used in the field of music too.
The involvement of Ghost writer may varies from person to person and from job to job, some may be hired for editing only while some works in the production of finished work as guidelines provided by the credited author. Often they are hired to write an autobiography for a renowned person where lots of research works are involved. It may possible that sometimes ghostwriter asked to write a fiction in the style of another author. Therefore how can you justify your work in terms of money? The question is here, what to charge as a Ghostwriter for your writings? And if we talk about customer point of view then the question can be how to satisfy a ghost writer?
The answer of the question that what to charge as a ghostwriter or what to pay to a ghost writer is very difficult because there is no standard price list, not even any guidelines, actually it varies person to person and work to work, it is fine as long as both sides are happy, one can charge per page or it can be per words too, now a days per 100 words price ranges from $2 to $5. Now it is up to you how to satisfy your client.
Now a days ghost writings in almost every field, politicians are extensively appoint ghost writers to write in favor of them, speeches, reports and press releases are the main works of politicians. Doctors are also hire ghost writer to write their medical papers, thesis etc. Another new arena of ghost writing emerged recently 'web log or blogs'. Individual, businessman even companies are also interested in blogs.
Therefore ghost writings are nothing but the writing in the name of another person; it can be anything because ghost writings are almost in every field. One can explore his carrier exclusively in the ghost writings and can earn money as much as he wants.

Why Do We Need to Hire a Professional Content Writer For SEO?

1st of all we remember the fact that there is some differences between day to day writings and SEO friendly content writings, SEO involves some technical aspects like keywords selection, density of keywords etc. We can write a very good content in any topic but due to lack of technical knowledge the same topic may not be a SEO friendly content. Therefore it is always better and safe option, thinking, what? Hiring a professional SEO content writer, again thinking why and how? Take a look on the following paragraphs.
The main purpose of our virtual presence is to reach our targeted online audiences and creates a place on their mind, is not it? And this can only be possible when we have an tempting content describing our purpose, easily understandable, right? If so I am sure that your visitors can be a customer. You may be a good writer of day to day topics but since the web contents are different from ordinary writings again when there are technicalities are involved in web content writings then why should we take risk. This risk can be a hindrance to reach our goal.
There are many types of writings and obviously many types of writers as well. Types can be-
- Web content writer.
- Blog writer.
- Ghost writer.
- Copy writer.
We must decide first which types of my business are or which kind of content we need then you hire one who meets your specification. This is because a writer of particular field may not write as good content of other field as he can writes his own field.
Again you may have a very pleasing designing, lay out and everything of your site but these things may not solve the purpose of your online presence, no doubt art is a very good medium of communication but here design of the site cannot communicate, therefore it is necessary to have a good appealing content and appealing content can write a professional content writer only. Eventually this content makes your visitors into customers. So, what are you waiting for? Always go for a professional content writer.

Keyword Rich Content Writing

Another important type of writing is keyword rich content writing. Keyword rich content writing is nothing but a simplest way of increasing traffic, improving search engine rankings and building credibility etc. This technique can open the lock of your destiny, are you curious to know how? Yes, take a look:
Maximum Reach:
Keyword rich content can give you top rank in the search engines, suppose you have been selected best keywords for your products, best keywords, I mean, the word which define you best and at the same time people also search these words then people will ultimately come to your site, sometimes many visitors come to your site, not deliberately, your content is very much appealing with keywords then these visitors can be your customer, now the question arises, how to select or how to find these keywords? This can be possible in two ways-
- Professionals are there, you can take their help, this is the best way and secondly,
- You can do it by yourself even though it is little bit tough but you can do it, there are many free tools are available in the net, you can take help of these tools to select the best key words.
Thus once you select put these into your content, people will come to your site definitely and you will be on the radar of people looking for what you provide.
Keyword-rich Article:
Second step, write articles for your site with same keywords and put these articles into different directories, there are many free article directories are available, so you can put your articles on these sites with no extra cost. Again you can write these articles by yourself or you can take the help of professionals.
How does it work? It works like people will search to solve their problems in the search engines. They want their answer precisely - and you can provide that in a short article.
When you are writing articles for your site, keep the following points in your mind:
- Article should be between 400-500 words.
- Keywords should be distributed equally with proper density.
- Keywords density should be between 2% to 5% maximum.
- Well informative and precise.
The best part of this strategy is that visitors or online solution searcher will find you that you are the prospective seller and you are the only one who can meet their expectations and solve their problem easily. Thus keyword rich content can make you the leader of the market.

The 11 Most Common Grammatical Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

You might consider grammar an annoying technicality, a minuscule detail of speech and writing not worth much effort.
But a study last year from the Society for Human Resources and Management shows that 45% of employers plan to increase training for grammar and other language skills (meaning they're unhappy with the level now).
So what you say does matter as much as how you say it, especially in a professional environment. We've compiled a list of the top mistakes people make whether drafting an office memo or just chatting with co-workers around the water-cooler.
1. "Fewer" v. "Less"
Use "fewer" when discussing countable objects like money or people. For example, "This computer cost me less than $1000, or "less than 20 employees attended the meeting."
Use "less" for intangible concepts, like time. For example, "I spent less than one hour finishing this report."
2. "It's vs. "Its"
Normally, an apostrophe symbolizes possession. As in, "I took the dog's bone." But because apostrophes also usually replace omitted letters - like "don't" - the "it's" v. "its" decision gets complicated.
Use "its" as the possessive pronoun: "I took its bone." For the shortened version of "it is" use the version with the apostrophe. As in, "it's raining.
3. Dangling Modifiers
Dangling modifiers mean exactly what they sound like: adjectival clauses just hanging out at the beginning or end of a sentence. Often they don't modify the right word or phrase in the sentence.
For example, if you say "Rotting in the refrigerator, our office manager threw the fruit in the garbage." The structure of that sentence implies your office manager is a zombie trapped in a chilly kitchen appliance.
Make sure to place the modifying clause right next to the word or phrase it intends to describe. The correct version reads, "Our office manager threw the fruit, rotting in the refrigerator, in the garbage."
4. "Who" vs. "Whom"
Earlier this year, "The New Republic" published a review of Mark Liebovich's "This Town." Regardless of his opinions, the author's piece deserves praise. The title reads, "Careful Whom You Call A Hypocrite, Washington." Yes, Alec McGillis. Just yes.
When considering whether to use "who" or "whom," you have to rearrange the sentence in your own head. In the aforementioned case, "whom you call a hypocrite" changes to "you call whom a hypocrite." "Whom" suits the sentence instead of "who" because the word functions as the object of the sentence, not the subject.
It's not always easy to tell subjects from objects, but to use an over-simplified yet good, general rule: subjects start sentences (or clauses) and objects end them.
For reference, "who is a hypocrite?" would be a perfectly grammatically correct question to ask.
5. Me, Myself, And I
Deciding when to use me, myself, or I also falls under the subject/object discussion. Me always functions as the object; I is always the subject. And you only use "myself" when you've previously used "me" in the sentence. It's called a reflexive pronoun - it corresponds to a pronoun previously in the sentence.
To decide usage in "someone else and me/I" situations, take the other person out of the sentence. "My co-worker and I went to lunch." Is "I went to lunch" correct? You're good then.
6. "Lie" vs. "Lay"
Dear everyone, stop saying: "I'm going to go lay down." The word "lay" must have an object. Someone lays something somewhere. You lie. Unless you lay, which means lie but in the past tense. Okay, just look at the chart.
Present     Past
Lie            Lie       Lay
Lay           Lay      Laid
7. Irregular Verbs
The English language has many surpasses. We can't list all the irregular verbs here be be aware they do exist. For example, no past tense existed for the word "broadcast." "Broadcasted" isn't a word. You'd say, "Yesterday, CNN broadcast a show." "Sneak" and "hang" also fall into this category. Look into it.
8. "Nor" vs. "Or"
"Nor" must be used with its counterpart, "neither," just as "either" and "or" stick together. Just think of them as best friends. For example, "Neither my boss or I understand the new program" is totally wrong.
9. "Then" v. "Than"
There's a simple distinction between these two words. Use "then" when discussing time. As in, "We had a meeting, then we went to lunch." Include "than" in comparison. "This meeting was more productive than the last one."
10. Ending Sentences With Prepositions
First of all, don't do it. Second, for those who don't know, prepositions are any words that a squirrel can run with a tree (i.e. The squirrel ran around, by, through, up, down, around, etc. the tree).
"My boss explained company policy, which we had to abide by" sounds awful. In most cases, you can just transpose the preposition to the beginning of the clause. "My boss explained company policy, by which we had to abide."
11. Subject (And Possessive Pronoun) And Verb Agreement
This rule seem a bit counterintuitive but most plural subject takes singular verbs (without an "s"). For example, "she types," but "they type." The pronoun agreement comes into play when when you add a possessive element to these sentences. "She types on her computer," and "they type on their computers."
As a caveat, the pronoun "someone" requires "her or his" as the possessive.
Feel free to email your boss with any questions. The Wall Street Journal thinks he or she will appreciate it.
*We had an internal argument about whether the headline should read "Grammar Mistakes or "Grammatical Mistakes". Please weigh in on this question if you think one is clearly more correct than the other.

Are You Prepared? Record Number Of Cyber Attacks Target Small Business

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to phish and he’ll use your credit card to buy dinner.”

If you think your business is too small to be an attractive target for cyber criminals or you don’t have anything worth stealing, think again: The 2012 Data Breach Investigations Study by Verizon shows that in 855 data breaches they examined, 71 percent occurred in businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Verizon’s 2013 Report shows attacks on small business increasing in record numbers as well. Ouch!
The report came to my attention via Vikas Bhatia, a New York-based security expert who heads Kalki Consulting, a company that helps organizations to identify and prevent security related risks. His team supports organizations of all sizes, but he reports that the level of unpreparedness and naivety in small businesses, in particular, is an epidemic.
Bhatia works extensively with New York Small Business Services and the Mayor’s office. To address this chronic issue (particularly in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which his team has also played a role in addressing through the NJ Small Business Development Center), his company recently published a How To Guide on Cyber Security for the NYC program that is available to all.
As to the growing and chronic issue of cyber security and small businesses, we had an interesting chat about where entrepreneurial companies are getting tripped up, and the surprisingly simple things they can do that would alleviate or even eliminate the lion’s share of their risks.

As we visited, Bhatia shared some interesting stories. A three-person company being incubated from a shared space in downtown Manhattan recently fell victim to the theft of its three Mac Air computers, when a petty thief managed to walk the three machines out the door. Where was their business data? You guessed it. On the company laptops. No backup. In an instant, the business lost a year and a half of research and development by each of the three.
Other cases emerge where entrepreneurs think their data is safe because it’s been stored “in the cloud”. “Where is the cloud?” Bhatia asks me. “Do they know? Are they paying attention?” He points to a number of recent cases where cloud services for sensitive data such as electronic medical records have been breached.
Another recent incident Bhatia reports: An employee in a small business had taken data she shouldn’t have had access to from the company’s owner. When Bhatia’s team investigated, however, they found something even more alarming: over a three month period there had also been three and a half thousand scurrilous attempts to enter the company’s website from locations all over the world.
“Who is designing and setting up your company’s website?” Bhatia asks. “We see all of these small businesses working with service providers spinning up sites for them on platforms like WordPress, but is the developer of the site or the group helping you protecting you from the risks that exist for these platforms, or are they even aware?”
As Bhatia asks these questions of customers, he says he’s increasingly accustomed to the response he gets in most cases: a blank stare.
“We used to think the primary cybersecurity threats were coming from adult websites,” he said. “But not anymore. Legitimate sites you visit – such as Dr. Smith’s dental practice, to check for opening hours—can be affected with malware that looks for your credit card numbers, social media passwords, Excel files, QuickBooks files—if I’m a bad guy who’s financially motivated (as 70% of cyber criminals are) I’m honed in on how to obtain enough details to open up a credit card in a person or a company’s name.”
Bhatia mentioned another risk most small businesses are entirely naïve to: What do you advertise about the clients you work with?
“It’s common practice for a small business to advertise their client list,” Bhatia tells me. “But what they don’t realize is that cyber criminals are viewing you as a stepping stone into your client’s organization as well. If they find out your company works with ‘Global Investment Bank’, for example, you become a potential target, because the criminal knows you have at least email communication with the people in that organization, and potentially even more.”
In the course of conducting your business do you store client information or intellectual property of any kind? Product designs? Customer lists for campaign fulfillment? All of this information presents a cyber security risk.

I wouldn't want to live in India if Modi becomes PM, author Ananthamurthy says

Jnanpith awardee and acclaimed Kannada writer Dr UR Ananthamurthy has said he will not live in a country with Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister, triggering angry reactions from BJP which said he was free to leave India.
As a controversy broke out over his strident anti-Modi remark, Ananthamurthy on Thursday stood his ground and said the Gujarat chief minister would create fear among people if he becomes Prime Minister.
"I would not want to live in a country where Modi is the Prime Minister," he said at an event here recently.
Against the backdrop of vitriolic attacks against him from the BJP and its sympathizers for his remarks, Ananthamurthy said, "He (Modi) will create fear and if a fearsome man is sitting there, people will just bow down to him because a bully creates cowards."
The country needs to build a citizenry who are not afraid and a governance where people do not follow a leader slavishly, he told reporters.
Furious at Ananthamurthy's remarks, BJP and supporters of the BJP's prime ministerial candidate dubbed him "parasite like" alleging he swayed according to political climate, having supported Congress and JDS in the past and "currying" favours with the government of the day.
BJP MP Ananthkumar Hegde and several local party leaders said he was free to leave the country.
Several writers, including Baragur Ramachandrappa and K Marulasiddappa, have come out in support of Ananthamurthy while some others such as noted scholar Dr Chidananda Murthy flayed him.
Ananthamurthy — who lost the Man Booker International Prize to American writer Lydia Davis in May this year — said there was dignity attached to Prime Minister's post when Pandit Nehru and Narasimha Rao assumed the charge, but this will wane away if Modi becomes PM.
"We had people like Nehru who could write a book in jail — Discovery of India, a great book even today. Rao was a great scholar too. There was some dignity for the Prime Minister's post, but that dignity will go (if Modi becomes PM), he said.
On BJP leaders' attacks on him, Ananthamurthy said he had been critical of Indira Gandhi and Nehru in the past but was never abused as much as the saffron party did. "If I say something and I am abused so much by a gang of people, imagine when they are in power what will happen," he said.
Ananthamurthy said the BJP has always criticized him because he did not buy the RSS Hindu philosophy. "They are a fascist party and don't understand Hinduism. It is a great religion," he said.
On UPA government, he said it is not anti-people but was corrupt and should be punished. "But the way out is not choosing a man like Modi," he said.

Sep 25, 2013

Responsive Website Design

Essential Keys to Responsive Web Design
In order to create a responsive design for your website, you need to focus on the following factors.
Designing for multiple platforms - It's no longer sufficient to design just for desktop and laptop users. You should also make sure that your website - and every essential aspect of it - will translate effectively regardless of the device and browser a person is using to access your website.
Flexible or automatically resized images - It's important that you make strategic use of images as they are one of the most difficult components to adjust and integrate with mobile layouts. When you do use an image, you should also make sure that it is programmed to resize and fit the needs or limits of a mobile layout.
Comprehensive labeling - Search engine robots can get more than a little confused when they crawl around your mobile website. Because your content may also be compressed to fit the parameters of your mobile layout, lack of labels can cause the content of your website to be all jumbled up. Your human readers may not be confused, but search engine robots do not always possess the same sense of intuition your human readers have. Overall, it's better to play it safe and protect your search engine ranking by meticulously labeling your text and making good use of subheadings whenever appropriate.
Regular monitor checks - Although responsive designs are becoming increasingly popular, they're still fairly new. As such, there are still lots of glitches to smooth out along the way. It would be better overall if you were to frequently check on the mobile version of your website just to see if everything is working the way it should.
Why Do I Need a Responsive Website Design Right Now?

"Now" is the operative word in this case. As the statistical evidence below will prove, it's imperative that you make the necessary changes to your website as soon as possible. If not, the gap between you and your competition will only continue to increase - and at an exponential rate at that.
A study conducted by MobiThinking this year showed that approximately 1.2B individuals in the world use mobile devices to go online. More importantly, 25% of that figure has been identified as "mobile-only" Internet users.
A study by Morgan Stanley in 2010 predicted that mobile browsing would overtake web browsing by 2015.
A forecasting study by Microsoft Tag in 2011 echoed the results of the study by Morgan Stanley. However, this particular study suggested that mobile browsing will become more prominent than desktop browsing as early as 2014.

Do what's right and what's best for your business this moment and contact an expert in order to start enjoying the benefits of a responsive web design.

How to Track Gmail Messages with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is normally used for tracking visits to your web pages but did you know that the Analytics service can also be used for tracking your outgoing email messages in Gmail. You can add the Google Analytics tracking code to your Gmail messages and you’ll instantly know if your email message has been seen or opened by the recipient.
This is like getting a read receipt for your email messages but, instead of cluttering the mailbox, the receipt is automatically logged as an event in your Google Analytics.

Know when people open your email with Google Analytics
The idea is simple. We’ll insert the Analytics tracking image to our outgoing email message. When the recipient opens the message, the image file will download on their computer and the “visit” will be logged (video demo). And since Google Analytics supports real-time reporting, you’ll see instant activity in the Analytics dashboard when an email is opened or read.
Here’s how you can add Analytics tracking to your Gmail messages:
  1. Go to your Gmail and compose a new email message. You can also include attachments and inline images in your message. Once the message is ready, let it stay in your Drafts folder and do not hit the Send button.
  2. Open this Google sheet and choose the Initialize option under the Email Tracker menu. This is a one-time requirement as you’ll have to authorize the sheet to send your Gmail messages with the tracking image included.
  3. Once the script is authorized, choose Email Tracker -> Send Mail, select your Gmail draft from the drop-down, enter your Google Analytics Profile ID* and hit the Send button. Your mail will be delivered to the recipient.
When the recipient opens your email message, the event will be logged in your Google Analytics. Here’s how you can track the email open activity in your Analytics report.
Tracking Gmail Opens in Google Analytics
Open Google Analytics and choose Events under the Standard Reports group. There you should see new events with the category Email Open as people open your Gmail messages. You can click the category to see the email address of the recipients who have seen your email and also the subject line of the message that they have just read.
Know when people open your Gmail messages with Analytics

[*] The Google Analytics profile ID looks something like UA-xxxx-yy and you can easily find this ID in your Analytics Dashboard (Admin -> Property Settings -> Tracking ID). It will be a good idea if you create a separate web property for tracking Gmail messages.
Internally, when you send an email through the Google Sheet, it adds the tracking image to your Gmail message with the help of a Google Script. This tracking image is a 1×1 pixel transparent gif that will not be visible in the message body.
The tracking method will obviously not work if the recipient has not enabled images for messages originating from your email address. URL shorteners, like, can also help you know if your message has been read.

Sep 23, 2013

Blog Traffic : 12 ways to track traffic for your blog

If you want to track how your blog is performing, site analytics services are the way to go. Here are some of the best, from Google's simple option to Histats' slick design.


Web apps:

Clickdensity: Clickdensity not only tracks the number of page views and unique visitors to your site, it overlays a "heat map" on your page that tells you where visitors are clicking. It's a helpful tool. You can see if the way you place content on your site is helping you increase traffic. And it will give you insight into where to place page elements. Pricing starts at $5 per month. If you want to improve your site's design, try Clickdensity.
Clicky Don't let its childish name fool you; Clicky is outstanding. You'll find charts and graphs, but one of its best features is its visitor detail, which gives you accurate information on individual visitors in real time. It tells you which country they're from and how long they've been on your site. Clicky also has a mobile page designed specifically for the iPhone. It boasts all the same features as Clicky's online version. Plus, it's snappy, so you won't waste time checking traffic. Pricing starts at $29.99 per year.
Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free service that provides you with a graph showing how many people visited your site. The tool also lets you see which pages visitors clicked, how many unique visitors went to your site, and information on where the most people entered and exited. It's not nearly as advanced as other apps in this roundup, but it's certainly the easiest to use. If you want something simple and accurate, Google Analytics is for you. sports the slickest design of any tool in this roundup. You'll find common tracking elements like page views, visitors, and referral information, but that's all displayed in the most user-friendly design I've seen in this space. The graphs are gorgeous. The app's ease of use is unparalleled, thanks to slick menus. And changing the data you want to look at is simple. I was really impressed by Histats (and its free price tag).
Mochibot If you operate a Flash site, or you want to see how many people are clicking on your Flash content, Mochibot is a must-have. The app works with games, Flash video, and Flash applications. Its reports are simple--they provide only view information and graphs--but they're highly useful, if you want to see how many people are viewing your content. So far, the service is free, but paid features will be coming shortly.
Opentracker: Opentracker is ugly. There's no doubt about it. And its menu system makes it too hard to maneuver around the online console. But if you want to see where your traffic is coming in and exactly what individual users are doing, this app is for you. It does the basics, such as tracking total visits and unique visitors, but it's that individual tracking that sets this app apart. You can view the person's click stream, see how long he's been on the site, and find out which country he visiting from. It costs $19.95 per month. Unless you care about individual visitors, Opentracker isn't worth it.
Pagealizer: Pagealizer goes beyond simple analytics. The service not only tracks page views and visitors, but it helps you increase traffic. Its page design suggestions and landing-page optimization tips are outstanding. Using data like the visitors' length of time on the site, as well as how far they scrolled down the page, the tool finds ways for you to improve your site. It told me that for my blog, I need to change the location of some page elements to increase click-through rates. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of Pagealizer's advice. For a starting price of just $9.99 per month, it's worth trying out. I think you'll learn quite a bit.
ShinyStat Like many of the other apps in this roundup, ShinyStat comes in free and premium versions. Its free service provides all the basics, such as page views, graphs, and unique visitors. But its most useful feature is its "forecast" function, which estimates how your site will do today. It constantly changes that forecast as more people filter in.
ShinyStat Pro provides far more information. You can see detailed graphs showing real-time data. Its referrers' chart tells you where your visitors are originating from. And its geolocation chart tells you where most of your audience lives. You can even track how well your advertising campaigns are working. Pricing is based on the number of page views your site generates. ShinyStat is a great resource. I highly recommend it.
StatCounter: StatCounter is free, so you won't find much advanced help like you will in paid apps. But what it lacks in advanced features, it makes up for in customization. For any metric, the site lets you choose the time span of data you want to view. You can also decide which information should be included in the graph, how it's displayed (area or bar graph), and much more. You can create a fully customized chart to get minute detail on any traffic figure impacting your site. And since it's free, StatCounter is definitely worth trying out.
VisiStat Although it's costly (pricing starts at $29.95 per month), VisiStat is an outstanding traffic-tracking service. It's built for the person who has little to no tech know-how, so it's easy to use. Its reports capture real-time traffic data, but instead of bogging you down in complicated analytic talk, it displays your unique visitors and page views in a graphical style that's easy to comprehend. The tool also has ad tracking so you can see how your campaigns are performing. It's a neat tool that's worth trying out. But it would be nice if it were a little cheaper.
WebStats :WebStats comes in two versions: Basic and Pro. Its Basic version is free. It provides daily page views, unique visitors, and graphs to visually display how your site has performed. But the company's Pro version is far more powerful. You can view traffic flowing in from search engines and see who the best referrers to your site are. You can even follow your advertising campaigns. Even better, it's relatively affordable--the company's Pro version only costs $9.95 per month. Definitely check it out. I liked it a lot.
Yahoo: Web Analytics I was generally impressed by Yahoo Web Analytics. I especially liked the app's visitor demographics, which should help you increase advertising effectiveness. Yahoo Web Analytics gives you information on age and gender--two key factors involved in creating an effective marketing campaign. You can even consult its behavioral charts, which fill you in on what your visitors are doing whenever they enter your page. You'll be amazed by all the data Yahoo Web Analytics provides. You should definitely check it out. Plus, it's free!

Sep 21, 2013

Top 10 Classified website in India

Online classified advertising in india is Rs. 800 crore business. Because of the sheer volume of growth of small scale industries and businesses in india , classified websites tend to grow at a very fast rate. That is the reason many classified portal which were launched in many countries became most successful in india . The indian arm of ebayclassifieds is quikr which is 10 times more successful than its father.
The basic reason for the success of classified websites is that in order to advertise their products , people tend to create lot of content on the website. That means a lot of food for Google, although of low search value they add up bit by bit to make it grow through search engines. This is known as hump and tail philosophy for search engine marketing. Rather than having few pages having high search value , classified websites grow with the help of huge number of pages having low search value.
Here is a list of top 10 classified websites in india -

1. -

Alexa rank – 975
Daily income – $3000
Founder – Pankaj agarwal ( an IIM indore passout)
This is the most popular classified website in india with the worst design adapted and i must say its indian craiglist (Ugly but popular) . First of all if you will go to this website through search engines, searching for some thing, chances are you will click on the adsense ads wisely placed around the content. Its quite easy to develop a feeling after visiting this portal that ” why i came here”.
Clickindia was founded somewhere in noida with 5 people and grew without the fuel of advertisement to the top most slot in india . Amazingly they did it in just two years.

2. -

Alexa rank – 1100
Daily income – $2500
What Clickindia did in two years , quikr did it in one year with the power of money. On the month of its launch they spent a huge amount of money and pumped it in top 10k websites in the world. After that it grew due to its SEO friendly structure and gathered customers made through advertising. Nowadays also quikr spends a huge sum on adwords and is growing on to break on through to the other side.
Quikr is Indian arm of eBayclassifieds (Classified arm of eBay). The difference between clickindia and quikr is the diffrence in design. If clickindia care only for the content and growth rate, quikr have tried its best for making itself look like a glossy and soothing design. The only constraint it have bounded itself up to is that it have restricted itself to only 40 cities in india

3. -

Alexa rank -2200
Daily income -$1300
Founder -Fabrice Grinda
Fabrice grinda founded olx in year 2006 and now it is present in 90 countries. The overall revenue of olx is $5 million each year and its growing at an astronomical rate. The indian venture that is is one of the most successful business and have a huge share in its overall revenue. Fabrice grinda is an economics graduate and showed the world that how its possible to earn a huge revenue with a few PHP pages. Olx consists of 140 employees and Fabrice is CEO and founder of this crocodile website.

4. -

Alexa Rank – 3962
Daily Income – $700 is the 4th most popular website in india. Its a venture of , a famous news portal with a world rank 600. Clearly it gets a lot of referral traffic from , thats why i don’t respect websites like these with existing godfathers. Although the design is cool and easily crawlable by both Google and users.

5. –

Alexa rank – 5348
Daily Income – $500
Locanto have launched itself in 40 countries and five major languages. is indian classified and its also quite popular. As tha name suggest locanto gives lot of sh** about putting location while posting. For example its mandatory to put pin code while posting your ad. Who will tell them that half of india do not know their pin code.

6. –

Alexa Rank – 7500
Daily Income – $400
Vivastreet operates itself in 17 countries with its most successful venture in india. The unique feature of this classified is its browsable map like structure. Go on the home page and you will see the map of india along with small links of categories and locations.

7. –

Alexa rank – 11,000
Daily Income – $250
Adoos was founded in 2003 and started its classified business from spain. Now it have spread its feet over 60 countries and 13 languages. Not at a faster growth rate like other big players, adoos still is stable at its current position.

8. –

Alexa Rank – 17,000
Daily Income -$170
Indialist is a classified business of Although the website is still seo friendly but not good looking with the worst color combination possible. Whether it will remain at this spot or slip below by upcoming competitors, that is a thing to watch in near future.

9. -
Alexa Rank – 17,000
Daily Income -$140
Khojle is the online startup of dainik jagran group. Clearly another offline godfather and even after its seo unfreindly structure it have made it to the top 10 list in 2 years and now growing at a fast rate. I wonder why they have given the search box in the size of an elephant and wanna force users to search.

10. -
Adeex is the freshest and looking forward to make it big in the indian classified market. The best things about this website is that although its new it have hugely invested in adwords campaign and tried its best to make it a better place to search for classifieds.

Sep 20, 2013

India's attempt to ignite a startup boom

It has come in fits and starts, but India is slowly building its own startup world.

FORTUNE – Most entrepreneurs remember vividly when they decided to strike out on their own. For Siddhartha Ahluwalia, the moment came over breakfast, in 2009. Then 22 years old and an engineering student at the Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management in Gwalior, he was interning at India's premier graduate business school -- the Ahmedabad campus of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM-A). An IIM-A student sat down at Ahluwalia's table and started to talk about his own business -- a tech platform that served TV ads at train stations.

"IIM-A is full of energy regarding entrepreneurship," Ahluwalia remembers. "You meet a lot of new entrepreneurs." The fired-up Ahluwalia enlisted three friends as co-founders, and they started work on an advertising platform for doctors' offices.

Ahluwalia went door to door in his hometown of Meerut -- an industrial city 50 miles from New Delhi -- trying to get doctors excited about the product. Ranked as one of India's fastest-growing cities, Meerut is frequently cited as a hub for future growth in India -- an international airport and a major Delhi-Meerut highway are in the works. More importantly for Ahluwalia and his friends, Meerut has several pharmaceutical companies and medical schools.

After receiving feedback from doctors, the team switched its focus from advertising to electronic medical records. They won first place in a business plan competition at an engineering college in a neighboring state. But then graduation hit, along with the harsh realities of the working world.

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"We were students, so no one would give us funding," he says. And then there was the matter of family. "In India, when parents fund a child's education, the expectation is that he or she will then get a job and settle down."

So that's what he did. Ahluwalia moved to Delhi and got an IT job at a company that created and managed operational software for companies overseas. He lasted for 11 months before the monotony of it got to him. This time, he went to a relative -- for many years, family savings have provided seed funding for most Indian startups -- and asked for an initial investment.

By April 2012, Ahluwalia was knocking on doctors' doors again, but this time, he noticed an attitude change. "A lot of media attention has been given to entrepreneurship," he said, noting that his parents, who initially balked at his plan, had turned into supporters. "Also, several companies had successful IPOs and exits."

Local success stories have boosted the credibility of entrepreneurship in India. In late June, RedBus, the country's largest online bus ticket vendor, was acquired by a joint Chinese-South African venture for around $125 million. The deal, which is the biggest acquisition to date of an Indian Internet company by a strategic overseas investor, validated the notion that Indian entrepreneurs could create valuable online businesses catering to the domestic market.

Entrepreneurship is a potential boon to a country wondering how exactly to employ its rapidly growing population, especially in towns like Meerut. According to the most recent census in 2011, Meerut has a population of 3.4 million -- but job opportunities lag consumption, as suggested in a 2011 Morgan Stanley report tracking Indian urbanization.

Startups -- particularly tech companies – have been touted as a possible solution, if an ecosystem is built to support them. India has a huge opportunity in terms of manpower. The country has an IT workforce of about 3 million and the second-largest number of engineers in the world (around 700,000 graduate every year), according to industry group Nasscom.

The rise of entrepreneurial support groups

One hot Sunday in late May, at a cavernous, underground office down the road from a gleaming metro station and a BMW dealership in New Delhi, 91springboard is hosting an entrepreneurship event. 91springboard is a co-working space, a former warehouse and a gathering place for budding entrepreneurs. The organization is the brainchild of three entrepreneurs who couldn't be more different from Siddhartha Ahluwalia in terms of experience and background.

Varun Chawla, 32, went to college in the United States and worked for Goldman Sachs (GS) for two-and-a-half years in New York City. He returned to India in 2005 but kept his bank job until 2007, when he quit to start a boutique advisory firm helping startups secure early-stage funding. Unfortunately, investment was limited, and business was slow. In two years, he signed 40 clients. He left that venture and started a couple more, all without success. Then, in 2012, after selling one of his companies to the online travel site MakeMyTrip (MMYT), he came up with the idea of starting a business that would target entrepreneurs like him.

"What are an entrepreneur's biggest hassles? Infrastructure is poor, networking is weak, and it's hard to get capital," he says. "We wanted to address those problems." His partners included Anand Vemuri, an engineering grad from Stanford who'd recently returned to India from California, and Pranay Gupta, an advisor to more than 80 startups. After an initial search for office space, they finally convinced one of Varun's uncles -- in India, the influence of family is never far – to let them rent his warehouse in Mohan Estate, on the outskirts of southeast Delhi. A large chunk of their initial investment -- drawn from savings -- went into painting the walls, installing generators to guard against New Delhi's many power outages, laying Internet cable, and making the space fit for human habitation. Along the way, they had their share of hassles -- at one point, Vemuri says, they had to deal with a contractor who was artificially inflating the price of construction material.

91springboard opened in January 2013 and is now at 50% occupancy with 38 tenant companies. It offers five different packages, ranging from a day package that costs Rs. 500 (~$8) for 10 hours of desk time to a resident package that costs Rs. 9,999 (~$200) per month for unlimited desk time and the services of a "live receptionist."

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Chandan Gupta, an entrepreneur who rents space at 91, says he looked for a coworking space for months. Spaces he tried to rent had issues with power outages and water logging; city authorities had even condemned one building. Another served as a part-time pet store. "I get value out of this space," says Gupta, who has created a mobile phone app that blocks spam.

Chawla says 91springboard will need to reach at least 80% occupancy to make a profit, but they're optimistic. They're already looking to expand to two more spaces and are planning to start an early-stage investment fund. As opposed to 2007, when he started his boutique investment business, Chawla says he now gets several inquires a month from startups. And he sees that trend continuing. "How long will GDP growth rely on FII or FDI?" he asks. "We need to get some internal growth going."

Sunday's event -- organized by a company called Nurture Talent -- opens with a drinking contest. Amit Grover, one of Nurture Talent's founders, says that this year, they'll organize 300 events for 25,000 participants, all on preparing participants to become entrepreneurs. Such efforts are a sign that India's entrepreneurial networks are maturing.

"The influx of people who have experience in the tech and startup world in the United States moving to India has helped move the ecosystem forward," says Pankaj Jain, who vets Indian startups for the early stage investment firm 500 Startups. Jain is one of the most visible of these transplants -- he came to India in 2010 to help launch Startup Weekend, an event franchise that brings would-be entrepreneurs together to create a business in 54 hours.
A talk at New Delhi-based startup co-working space 91springboard

Over the course of three years, Startup Weekend has held more than 16 events, says co-organizer Yatin Thakur. "The focus is shifting towards smaller cities," Thakur says. In addition to events in smaller towns, Startup Weekend is looking at an event for women entrepreneurs. In India, entrepreneurship remains male-dominated. At the Nurture Talent event, more than 95% of the crowd was male. Indeed, most of India's startup success stories are online businesses, and men dominate the engineering world in India. At the Indian Institutes of Technology, India's highly competitive state engineering school, less than 10% of the entering class is female.

Money, money, money

Perhaps even more than infrastructure, the biggest challenge for entrepreneurs in India is scoring funding. When it comes to venture capital funding, India lags far behind Silicon Valley. According to Nasscom, the U.S. produced around 15,000 institutionally funded tech startups in 2012, Israel produced about 800, and India produced a paltry 150.

There are efforts underway to connect entrepreneurs with funding and resources. Nasscom recently launched a project called 10,000 Start-ups, with the goal of producing 10,000 institutionally funded startups in India over the next 10 years. The first round of applications ran from early April through the end of May. Nearly 4,000 startups applied either for angel funding, a spot in an incubator, or both. Out of these applications, about 70 entrepreneurs based in Delhi were invited for a meet-and-greet event with investors at 91springboard.

India has a fairly robust angel investment ecosystem -- about a thousand investors, according to Nasscom. In addition to high net worth individuals, two prominent angel networks, the Indian Angel Network and Mumbai Angels, have several hundred members between them. In the second quarter of 2013, according to industry site, there were 70 venture capital and angel deals worth an estimated $270 million in India. Out of these, 30 deals were at the seed stage.

The bigger problem for Indian startups is securing the funding that comes after the seed round. "The chasm has shifted," says entrepreneur Deep Kalra. "Now companies and funds are saying, 'These guys got early stage [funding], but have they grown enough?'" In 2000, Kalra founded MakeMyTrip, an online travel reservation site. He's one of the success stories, but it hasn't been easy. The company had its IPO on the Nasdaq in 2010. Since then, no other Indian tech company has had a Nasdaq IPO, but MakeMyTrip struggled after a dramatic downturn in the Indian airline industry.

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Kalra says the startup world is much more mature than it was when he started -- he is now an active angel investor in non-travel ventures and heads the Indian chapter of TiE, an organization for entrepreneurs. But India has a long way to go. Much of the problem, he says, lies in an "expectation mismatch." Investors expect to see the sharp growth that they see among American startups. In India, a lack of infrastructure means growth takes longer. "In India, it takes 10 years to grow a business that might take five years in the U.S.," he says.

But at least the media are listening. Shradha Sharma, a former journalist, founded in 2008 to feature the tales of entrepreneurs. She quit her job with a TV channel and started writing about new businesses full-time. She moved from Mumbai to India's IT hub, Bangalore.

Today, she describes YourStory as a "comfortable, sustainable" business with 25 employees. Their site profiles 10 to 15 startups daily, and in April they held what they called "India's first startup job fair." Around 50 companies paid Rs. 50,000 each (~$1000) for a spot at the fair. Nearly 4,000 job seekers showed up, threatening to overwhelm the venue.

"It was insane," says Sharma, who's now looking to recreate the event elsewhere. The enthusiasm for startups, at least, is so intense that it's almost become mundane. "In Bangalore, we say that in every second house you'll find someone who has a startup or has started up. It's become mainstream."