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Sep 26, 2013

Ghost Writing

By ghost writer we simply mean a professional writer who is basically hired to write in the name of others, it can be anything like books, articles, stories, reports, or other texts, more specifically the writings are credited to another person. Ghostwriters can be used in the field of music too.
The involvement of Ghost writer may varies from person to person and from job to job, some may be hired for editing only while some works in the production of finished work as guidelines provided by the credited author. Often they are hired to write an autobiography for a renowned person where lots of research works are involved. It may possible that sometimes ghostwriter asked to write a fiction in the style of another author. Therefore how can you justify your work in terms of money? The question is here, what to charge as a Ghostwriter for your writings? And if we talk about customer point of view then the question can be how to satisfy a ghost writer?
The answer of the question that what to charge as a ghostwriter or what to pay to a ghost writer is very difficult because there is no standard price list, not even any guidelines, actually it varies person to person and work to work, it is fine as long as both sides are happy, one can charge per page or it can be per words too, now a days per 100 words price ranges from $2 to $5. Now it is up to you how to satisfy your client.
Now a days ghost writings in almost every field, politicians are extensively appoint ghost writers to write in favor of them, speeches, reports and press releases are the main works of politicians. Doctors are also hire ghost writer to write their medical papers, thesis etc. Another new arena of ghost writing emerged recently 'web log or blogs'. Individual, businessman even companies are also interested in blogs.
Therefore ghost writings are nothing but the writing in the name of another person; it can be anything because ghost writings are almost in every field. One can explore his carrier exclusively in the ghost writings and can earn money as much as he wants.

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